Much younger than driving a car. Did you know that?
First flying lesson: from 8 years
Flying is a little different from driving lessons. This is because a training plane has full controls on the left and right. When you have a flying lesson, the instructor is always the captain and can fully control the plane.
That is why there is no minimum age. But many flight schools keep 8 years as a lower limit for a first flying lesson. Because if the student is much younger they are often too small to reach the pedals and look over the dashboard.
First solo: from 16 years of age
If you are really going to do your flying training then you have to start flying alone ("solo"). This is allowed from the age of 16.
Most student pilots fly their first solo about a year after starting flight training. Therefore, it does not make much sense to start long before your 15th birthday.
Examination: from 17 years of age
You can take the exam for a pilot's licence from the age of 17. That is still earlier than getting your car licence. Isn't that special?
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