Boeing 737 full-motion simulator



€ 119


€ 159

Boeing 737 full-motion simulator

€ 119

30 minutes

Fly in a professional simulator. This flight simulator moves while flying, so you can 'feel' the plane.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 3
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 8 on
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


30 minutes € 119
45 minutes € 159
60 minutes € 199
90 minutes € 289
120 minutes € 399
Cost Boeing 737 full-motion simulator


  • The selected time is the time in the simulator. The theory part is added and takes about 20 minutes.
  • In addition to the student, a maximum of 2 people can take part in the simulator, for a small additional fee. During the flight, it is possible to swap between student and pilot. Keep a minimum of 20 minutes per student
  • You may take photos or film yourself. Please note that the simulator tilts and turns.
  • You can take this lesson from 8 years old, but we advise at least 12 years. Below that age, it is often difficult to look over the panel and you may have trouble with the complexity.
  • This lesson can also be given in English.
  • We also offer training, for example to prepare for your grading. Look on


Annual agenda


  • Lelystad

Also available in:



out of 5

373 reviews

4.9 out of 5

373 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Oskar Lampers

· September 2024

1u heen en terug was het zeker waard! Bij aankomst vriendelijk ontvangen en gingen na een kort gesprek gelijk naar de Sim. Alle knoppen en hun functies worden goed uitgelegd en je mag veel zelf doen. Heb zelf 1u gevlogen en deden dus 2 vluchten. Kan ik iedereen enkel aanraden aangezien je dan ook niet zo snel erin en er weer uit bent… Dat de 737 sim Full motion is draagt echt bij aan de beleving. Bovendien werken alle knoppen en hebben ze ook daadwerkelijk effect op de vlucht, heel gaaf dus. Tijd volledig vol gevlogen en dus niet na 50min o.i.d. alweer buiten. Werkelijk waar een top uur gehad.

  • Gaver en realistischer dan een statische sim. Aardige behulpzame instructeur. Een uur vliegen is daadwerkelijk ook een uur vliegen.

1h there and back was well worth it! Received a friendly welcome on arrival and went straight to the Sim after a brief chat. All buttons and their functions are well explained and you get to do a lot yourself. Flew 1h myself so did 2 flights. I can only recommend this to everyone as it means you are not so quick to get in and out... The fact that the 737 sim is Full motion really adds to the experience. Moreover, all the buttons work and they actually have an effect on the flight, so very cool. Time fully flown and not out again after 50min or so. Really had a great hour.

  • Great and more realistic than a static sim. Nice and helpful instructor. An hour of flying is actually an hour of flying.
Translated from dutch. View original
Hendrik ido ambacht

· September 2024

Wat een geweldige ervaring. Moeilijker dan gedacht. Zeker voor herhaling vatbaar!

  • Goede ontvangst, geduldige trainer, veel geleerd
  • Geen

What a great experience. More difficult than expected. Definitely worth repeating!

  • Good welcome, patient trainer, learned a lot
  • No
Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2024


  • Alles was geweldig, nog levens echter als verwacht.


  • Everything was great, even lives more real than expected.
  • As expected.
Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2024

Heel erg leuk en leerzaam

  • Ik vond het bijzonder omdat het net echt leek
  • Niks

Very fun and educational

  • I thought it was special because it just seemed real
  • Nothing
Translated from dutch. View original
Jan Vonk
Noord Scharwoude

· July 2024

Ik vond het fantastische ervaring , bijzonder intensief eigenlijk.

  • Dat de cockpit erg realistisch was , het besef dat je niet zomaar piloot bent.
  • Gewoon doorgaan met trainingen geven.

I thought it was fantastic experience , particularly intense actually.

  • That cockpit was very realistic , the realisation that you are not just a pilot.
  • Just keep on training.
Translated from dutch. View original
Hans van der Vlist

· July 2024

Super ervaring!
Is werkelijk levensecht.

  • Fantastische beleving.
    Hele vriendelijke co piloot, tevens dito ontvangst.
    Makkelijk parkeren en te bereiken.
    Kortom super
  • Wel moeilijk. Dit doe je niet even zomaar. Het is dus wel een uitdaging.

Super experience!
Highly recommended.
Is really lifelike.

  • Fantastic experience.
    Very friendly co pilot, also ditto welcome.
    Easy parking and access.
    In short super
  • Albeit difficult. You don't do this just like that. So it is a challenge.
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 119

30 minutes

Fly in a professional simulator. This flight simulator moves while flying, so you can 'feel' the plane.

  • No experience needed
  • 34,419 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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